Jenny Evans

Artist, designer and printmaker, Jenny Evans, recently returned to her Southwest roots after living in Wales for several years and studying Textiles at Cardiff Metropolitan University. She has also travelled widely, gathering inspiration for her work from time spent in Australia, India and Oman. While studying for her degree, Jenny was awarded the Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Award in recognition of her talent, creativity and innovative spirit. "Born with a pencil in hand, I’ve always loved being creative in a number of different ways. From textiles and photography to discovering more recently my love of printmaking, I love being able to mix different mediums to express my passion for nature.” Graduating with first class honours and with a number of exhibitions under her belt, Jenny’s love of the ocean and its associated wildlife brought her back to her hometown of Plymouth where she celebrates nature through a mixture of textile work, linocuts, etching, collographs and mixed media. Also using her art to educate about wildlife, Jenny has worked in collaboration with the WWT London Wetlands Centre, the British Dragonfly Society and the National Marine Aquarium.